Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Laughing Causes and brooding Effect

Most people underestimate the power of knowing the "cause", while the "effect" seems to get all the affection. Most of our communication pattern reflects this trend. We seem to be in high with effect and little or no attention to the cause. Whether it our analysis, solutions, communication, interactions, we seem to focus more on effect.

Nature by definition is a cosmic drama between cause and effect. The cause is the origin while the effect is the outcome of the "manifested cause".

Science has always studied nature as a cause-effect relation. From Newton’s law, Faraday's principle or Einstein's special theory of relativity, everything is an explanation of cause-effect theory told in many ways.

The Sun, is the primary source of energy for our solar system and its rays that reach the earth, is its extension or manifestation. The sun's rays thus assume a different form to reach the earth. Now, one could quickly jump into the incorrect conclusion that the Sun's effect is in fact, heat.
But No. The heat is only when the rays reaches an object. 

Sun    ------> sun's rays     -----> heat
Cause -----> manifestation-----> effect.
Love   ------> kiss              ------> pleasure

Thus when sun's rays falls on the water it evaporates, while on a skin, it tans or burns the skin.  The love can manifest into a kiss and leave pleasure as an effect or a blush on the cheek of a sweet girl.

So clearly, how we understand, the cause, the manifestations and its effect will greatly help us in running our daily life. 

The science behind the cause-manifestation-effect is simple and is common sense.
Where there is a cause, there will be manifestations. And when you have manifestations, there will be an effect.
How strong the manifestation will decide the effect. 
So the effect is just an outcome that one cannot control. It’s the cause that controls through manifestations, the impact or effect. Once the Sun's rays is released, what the effect is, is not controlled by the Sun. It just is.

For us the biggest and the most profound impact of this understanding of relationship, is in answering the question "What is my purpose in this life"?

What my purpose is, will decide my destination. The purpose is the cause, the destination is the effect. Where I am destined to reach, I have no control. What I do control is the purpose that I have identified. So how big a purpose, or what purpose that I choose is more important than where I want to reach. 

So how will my purpose manifest itself? 

Sun    ------> sun's rays     -----> heat
Cause -----> manifestation-----> effect.
Love   ------> kiss              ------> pleasure
Purpose---->            ?       ------> destination

The answer is - by my "consistent actions". The manifestations and its quality reflects the purpose. The purpose of Sun is to bestow life on earth, while for the match stick, it is just to start a fire. 

My actions will manifest my purpose. So if my purpose is to achieve stardom as a movie star, then I should be acting in movies. But stardom is an effect and I won’t be able to control it. So my purpose cannot be to achieve stardom, but my purpose should be something else. You have to spend more time deliberating and deciding what your purpose is and forget about the effect or destination. This is one of the biggest fallacies of human kind. We spend enough time discussing the effect or the destination or the pleasure but little or none in seeking our purpose.

Knowledge helps in not only bridging our understanding but also showing us the vast available opportunities We need knowledge to decide whether our purpose is right for us. However, if we are not capable to grasp knowledge ourselves, we may seek teachers, mentors or a master. The right knowledge leads to the selection of the right purpose most suited to a person.

No Purpose   ----> your actions------> any destination - unsatisfactory result
Your Purpose----> your actions------> your destination - satisfactory result.

Don't waste your actions by not choosing a purpose in life. In other words, all your actions should lead to the purpose of your choice. Eating, sleeping, working, walking partying, playing, any action should be dedicated to "your purpose". Once, your actions are for the purpose of your choice, you don't need to worry about the destination. It will be but naturally, your destination. Your choice of actions should be manifestation of your purpose.

In the end, let me leave a thought. If there is cause, is this Universe its effect? Or if this Universe is the cause, what is the effect? 

What if I tell you, the Supreme Creator (who or whatever it is) is the cause, and we are but just its manifestations? 
Think, think, and think on your purpose. Seek to unravel the mystery of your purpose. Your purpose, till you realize your life's purpose, is to explore opportunities.

Life is an opportunity! 

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