Sunday, January 4, 2015

Corporate Bhakti

Corporate Bhakti – Something to break the monotony of reading and sending New year greetings.
There is no equivalent word for Bhakti in English, the language that I write this blog. But it is not the meaning of Bhakti that I want to share but experience of Bhakti that I want to share. I have experienced this state and/or realisation over a period of two decades. It has been my conscious effort to understand this state of Bhakti as against other feelings like trust, faith, dedication and righteousness that truly gives me the satisfaction today!
And yes, once I understood that Bhakti is a different feeling (feeling is still not an apt word for it), I was keen to understand how, why and for what purpose can I work in that state of Bhakti, in the corporate world.
One caution – language or semantics may cloud your understanding and you may like to caution your mind from falling in that trap.
Only principle – Each individual is a universe. Bhakti is not comparable within two different human beings.
And now….
Over the years I realised that I went into a state of at Bhakti, I felt courage within me, a feeling of faith (trust, but not on any specific object/person) spread across my being. I realised that there is a presence of an “unknown” (I acknowledged that unknown) and I could feel connection and oneness within and with all.
So I wrote down somewhere-
Bhakti = Courage + faith + unknown + connection.
But then why did I need courage? Why did have faith? Why did I realise that there is an unknown? And why did I feel this connection. But the most surprising part of this was, that I felt all these feelings simultaneously; this state of being in Bhakti.
My answers are my realisations.
I needed courage as my energy source. From the energy source, I got my courage. Something like circular reference in an excel sheet. lol
I was faithful in a persistent manner about myself. Without faith in self, I was not be able to act, go through the processes, rituals of life that I felt were meaningless. A very important outcome of faith in self was not only did I act, but I did make the “right” (in my worldview) choice (on hindsight) as against choices that were merely pleasant.
Life is an unknown, from the moment I was born and till I die, there will be unknown. Yes, there will be unknown, I said to myself off and on, reiterating this point. But being conscious of the unknown without arguing in my mind, I was letting my natural state of happiness to surface more often.
And when I was in the state of oozing energy, smoothly going through the daily activities, blissfully enjoying, I felt connected. Deep observation into this state, I realised that my “split personality” feeling was gone; disappeared; vanished. I was One. And when this One happened, I automatically felt oneness with nature, surroundings and with all. Quite dramatically, I felt completely at ease with all, without feeling the need to judge the obvious differences in my surroundings, fellow humans and their differing actions.
So when I looked at my corporate life, I realised that I was not courageous, my faith in self vacillated, I felt troubled to acknowledge the unknown and didn’t feel connected.
Now with my realisation of Bhakti, and more often being in a state of Bhakti, it has become my preferred mode of operations.
As an outcome of this, I now feel very energetic and I am able to more often make the right choices. Subconsciously I am at ease and feeling light and I feel the creative power guiding me when faced with challenges. The oneness has driven judgement out for most of the time, helping me with opportunities to learn.

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